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Test Your Fitness & Endurance with The Intense 300 Workout

The 300 workout was created to test the strength, endurance, and mental focus of actors in the movie 300.

It was not the workout that the 300 actors used to get in shape but it's become "the fitness challenge" that lots of men and women use to test their fitness level.

To try it just go from one exercise to the next without resting. If that's not possible then take tiny breaks until you can do the entire workout without any breaks. Try the 300 workout every now and then to test your endurance.

If you want to see how they really trained for this movie just scroll down and watch the interview with Gerard Butler.

Check out Jason Ferrugia 300 style workouts. His Muscle Gaining Secrets plan includes workouts that work for real people who don't have 6 hours a day to spare for the gym.

1) Position hands wider than shoulder width apart with overhand grip (palms facing forward).
2) Start position: Hang with arms fully extended and elbows facing away from body. Feet may be crossed with knees bent.
3) Pull body up until bar is below chin level.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep the movement controlled with the body stable to minimize momentum and body sway. If the bar is too high, it is advisable to use a step to ensure proper hand placement as well as safety.

300 workout tip:
Can't do a pullup? Try inverted bodyweight rows on the TRX, smith machine or with with a towel or rope draped over an at home pull up bar.
Sets RepsWeight/
Barbell Deadlift
1. Start Position: Assume a shoulder width stance, knees inside arms. Feet flat on floor.
2. Position shoulders slightly over bar and grab bar. Begin pull by extending the knees.
3. Keep angle of your back constant and lift bar straight up. Keep bar close to the body and keep shoulders directly over the bar.
4. Return to starting position.

300 workout tip:
You can also do this exercise with dumbbells. It's very similar to a deep squat just make sure you push through the heels and use your glutes and hamstrings to pull the weight all the way back up to standing.
Sets RepsWeight/
Standard Pushup
1. Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line.
2. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, and feet should be at hip width with toes on floor.
3. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor.
4. Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor.
5. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up.
6. Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back.

300 workout tip:
Drop down to knees if necessary until you're strong enough to do all 50 standard pushups.
Sets RepsWeight/
Multiple Box Jumps
1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart behind the first box.
2. Jump up onto first box, immediately jump down onto ground and jump up onto next box or same box and so on down the row.
3. Repeat as prescribed.

300 workout tip:
The box here is high. Use a lower one if you need to or try jump squats. Move continously.
Sets RepsWeight/
Straight Leg Obliques
Starting Position: Lie on your back and raise your legs straight into the air.
Rotate your legs keeping them straight to the side and the then return to the starting position. Repeat to the other side.

300 workout tip:
Instead of aiming feet side to side aim them at the shoulders so you're going diagonal to center then diagonal opposite side to center etc.
Sets RepsWeight/
1-Arm Kettlebell Clean and Press
1. Start by standing and holding one kettlebell between your legs.
2. Proceed into a semi-squatted position allowing the kettlebell to swing in between your legs.
3. Once you have squatted down immediately stand up and swing the kettlebell up towards your shoulders. Continue with the momentum of the swing and press the kettlebell up over your head to a locked out position.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other arm.
5. A different variation is to have the kettlebell swing around your wrist so as to end lying against wrist rather than pointing up like the animation shows.

300 workout tip:
You don't need a kettlebell for this. Try it with a dumbbell or medicine ball with handles.
Sets RepsWeight/
1) Position hands wider than shoulder width apart with overhand grip (palms facing forward).
2) Start position: Hang with arms fully extended and elbows facing away from body. Feet may be crossed with knees bent.
3) Pull body up until bar is below chin level.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep the movement controlled with the body stable to minimize momentum and body sway. If the bar is too high, it is advisable to use a step to ensure proper hand placement as well as safety.

300 workout tip:
Can't do a pullup? Try inverted bodyweight rows on the TRX, smith machine or with with a towel or rope draped over an at home pull up bar.
Sets RepsWeight/

Check out what Gerard Butler had to say about his regular workout routine and the type of training he did to prepare for his role in 300. He talks about what it was really like training with Mark Twight.

He also shares his favorite cardio machine for burning the last bit of fat off his body and how circuit training was a great way to build lean muscle while burning fat.

Get the Muscle Gaining Secrets that work for real people who don't have 6 hours a day to spare for the gym.