Bodyweight Circuit Workout to Tone, Burn Fat, & Boost Endurance

The bodyweight circuit workout includes 13 bodyweight exercises and two dumbbells exercises that build strength and boost endurance for tougher circuit workouts.

It also burns tons of fat, calories, and sculpts lean toned muscle that boost metabolism.

The key to any bodyweight workout is intensity so be sure to push yourself past your comfort zone if you want faster results.

Perform each bodyweight exercise for 30-45 seconds going from one exercise to the next without resting.

After one complete circuit rest 60 seconds and repeat 2-3 more times.

High Knee Drill
1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place.
2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground.
Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time.

Free Workouts Tips:
If you have knee issues you can just march in place or do side to side steps until you build endurance.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 45 seconds
2 45 seconds
3 45 seconds
Wall Pushups
1. Start by placing your hands on the wall at shoulder level with your feet approximately 2 feet away from the wall.
2. Bend your elbows so that your chest gets closer to the wall.
3. Once your elbows are bent to about 90 degrees then press back out to the starting position.
4. Repeat according to the required repetitions.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
This exercise is great for building upper body strength. When you start to get stronger try pushing off the wall for increased intensity.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8
2 10
3 12
Bodyweight Reverse Lunge
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.
2. Step back with one foot and bend your knees into a lunged position. Your back knee should come close to touching the ground and your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees at the knee.
3. Maintain your upright posture throughout the movement.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat. Once repetitions are completed then repeat with the other leg.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
This is a basic exercise but some people have trouble with their knees. If that is the case for you, then try a more limited range of motion until you get stronger.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8 each side
2 10 each side
3 12 each side
Opposite Arm Oposite Leg Raise
1. Start by placing yourself on your hands and knees.
2. Slowly raise your opposite arm and opposite leg and extend them out away from the body.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
4. Repeat for the required repetitions.
5. Always keep this movement slow and controlled.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Be sure to extend by using your core and your glutes for better stability and increased calorie burning.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
112 each side
2 12 each side
3 12 each side
Bodyweight Squats
1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you.
2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down.
3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting.
4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
This exercise can be easy or tough. If you want it easier try a wider stance and don't go down as far. If you want it tougher try any stance with a 2 second pause at the bottom.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8
2 10
3 12
Dumbbell Curl (two arms)
1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent or sit in upright position.
2) Start position: Grasp DB’s with underhand grip (palms facing forward) and allow arms to hang down at sides. Elbows should be close to sides.
3) Flex at the elbows and curl DB’s up to approximately shoulder level. Keep elbows close to sides throughout movement. This exercise may be done one arm at a time.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position throughout movement. Shoulders should be stabilized by squeezing shoulder blades together slightly - only the elbow joint should be moving.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 10 each side
2 12 each side
3 15 each side
Ankle Bounces
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Arms should be at sides and bent up to 90°.
2. Hop continuously on both feet using only the ankles to project body up.
3. Remember to extend the ankles to their maximum range on each hop to ensure proper mechanics (or full plantar flexion).

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
This exercise is not high impact or difficult but will target your calves and strengthen ankles for intermediate level workouts. Stay light on your feet.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 12
2 12
3 12
DB shoulder press (palms in)
1. Starting position: Dumbells are at shoulder level with your palms facing your head.
2. Press the dumbells over your head keeping your palms facing each other.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat. Remember to not arch your lower back as your press the dumbells over your head.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Do not arch your back during this exercise. If you are having trouble with this then decrease your weight and slow down your tempo.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 10 each side
2 12 each side
3 15 each side
Tricep Bench Dip
1. Start by placing your hands on the bench and your feet are on the ground with your legs semi straight.
2. Proceed to bend your arms until they are bent to about 90 degrees.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Keep your back as close to the bench or chair as possible to avoid shoulder strain.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 10
2 12
3 15
Belly Blaster
1. Start in a plank position with your elbows and forearms on the ground, your body parallel to the floor and up on your toes.
2. Make sure your belly button is drawn in toward your spine and raise your hips up into the air and hold for a 1 second count.
3. Return to the starting and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Initiate movement by contracting the lower abs then pulling belly button up towards the ceiling. Legs, back, and shoulders should be stabilizing and not doing all the work.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 12
2 12
3 12
1 Leg Balance Squat
1. Start by standing on one leg with the other leg elevated.
2. Bend forward keeping your planted leg semi straight and reach for the ground.
3. Keep your back relatively flat during the exercise.
4. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Engage the abs and glutes and lean forward like a pendulum for better balance. use a chair or couch until you get comfortable.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8 each side
2 10 each side
3 12 each side
Single Leg Hip Extension
1. Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor or on a balance disc.
2. Raise one foot into the air and press your other foot into the floor or disc until your hips come up off the floor.
3. Press until your hips are at full extension.
4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Repeat with the other leg.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Do these without a disc until you are strong enough to handle 3 circuits. Then introduce the disc or a block or ball.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 8 each side
2 10 each side
3 12 each side
Side Lying Quad Stretch
1. Lie on your sdie on floor or bench
2. Pull heel toward buttocks until stretch is felt in front of thigh.
3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.
4. Remember to keep the low back straight - avoid hyperextending back during stretch by keeping abdominals tight.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 60 seconds each side
2 60 seconds each side
3 60 seconds each side
Stand in an upright position and reach back with your arms extended and clasp your hands together.
Raise your hands towards the ceiling keeping your arms straight until you feel a stretch in your chest.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 60 seconds
2 60 seconds
3 60 seconds
Standing Straddle Low Back/Hamstrings
1. Start by standing with your feet spread as far apart as possible.
2. Lean forward and try placing your hands on the ground below or until a comfortable stretch in your low back and hamstrings.
3. Hold for the prescribed time and then repeat.

Bodyweight circuit workout tip:
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1 60 seconds
2 60 seconds
3 60 seconds

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