Boot Camp Workout 30

This boot camp workout torches calories with dynamic moves that target every inch of your body especially shoulders and core.

Perform the first 3 exercises for 30 seconds each going from one to the next without rest then repeat two more times. Continue with the next 3 exercises for 30 seconds each going from one to the next without rest.

Continue with running intervals for 2 minutes adjusting your speed and intensity from moderate to fast in a way that feels good to you. Hold each stretch for 60 seconds.

Continue with the next 3 exercises for 30 seconds each going from one to the next without rest.

Finish up with 2 minutes of jump rope intervals resting for a few seconds each time you lose your coordination then finish up with 60 seconds of each stretch.

Jumping Jacks
Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side.
In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head.
Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.

Boot camp workout tip:
Stay light on your feet and bend the elbows a bit if necessary. Don't forget to breath out hard as you jump in to boost lung capacity for the work ahead.
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1. Start by fitting yourself with the proper sized gloves.
2. Next you want to hit the bag with a variety of movements. For example a left jab with a right cross, body punches, right cross only.
3. Proceed to hit the bag for the required time or however your cardiovascular program is designed.

Boot camp workout tip:
Use a friend or punch the air if you don't have a bag. The goal is simply to warm-up the shoulders and core.
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Squat and Press with medicine ball
1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
2. Start position: Position medicine ball to ear level.
3. Go into a full squat. Immediately extend legs and stand up and at the same time press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times.
4. Return to start position and repeat.

Boot camp workout tip:
Take your time with this and work on squeezing the thighs, glutes, and reaching as high as you can with the ball.
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Pushup with elevated feet
1. Start by placing your feet on a stool or bench and your hands on the ground in a pushup position.
2. Keeping your body in a tight straight line pushup up off the ground into a pushup.
3. Make sure you keep your abs tight to maintain that straight line with your body.
4. Lower yourself back down to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Boot camp workout tip:
You can use a bench, chair, stool, stability ball, couch, counter, bed, or wall for this.
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Walking Lateral DB Lunge
1. Holding one dumbell between your legs take left foot and step 2-3 feet out to the left side (or the 3 o’clock position). Lean torso forward and sit the right glute back. DO NOT allow lunging knee to extend past the big toe - may cause injury.
3) Pushing off lunging foot, return to start position.
4) Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Reaching forward should be performed at the hips and not the low back. Shoulders, hips, and front foot should point forward at all times.
5) Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let lunging knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Opposite leg should remain straight during lunging phase as shown.

Boot camp workout tip:
Be sure to push the glutes back a bit so the knee does not go past the toe as you bend.
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Standing Alternating Bent Over Row
1. Start by holding a dumbell in each hand at waist level.
2. Bend forward keeping your back flat until you reach a 45 degree angle.
3. Pull one dumbell up towards your waist and then repeat with the other dumbell.
4. Continue according to the prescribed number of repetitions.

Boot camp workout tip:
Work on shoulder blade contraction and stick the butt out a bit more than the animation to protect the low back.
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Trainer's comments:
Run at a moderate pace for 2 minutes. Aim for a level 7 out of 10 intensity or 75% of your target heart rate.
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Hip Flexor Quad Stretch
1. Step out 1-2 feet with one foot.
2. Slowly push pelvis downward and forward until stretch is felt in front of back thigh.
3. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Repeat as prescribed.
4. Remember to keep the low back straight.

Boot camp workout tip:
Square the hips to the floor then contract the abs and sink the hip of the straight leg into the floor a bit for a more intense stretch.
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Standing shoulder stretch
1. Stand with a shoulder width stance and place both hands on the end of the toning bar.
2. Lean forward keeping your back flat until you feel a stretch in your shoulders.
3. Hold for the prescribed time and repeat if necessary.

Boot camp workout tip:
You can use a pole, door, counter, or wall for this stretch. Just make sure the ankles and kness are aligned under the hips.
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Lateral/Front Raise
1. Start by holding a dumbell in each hand.
2. Raise one dumbell to the side and the other to the front simultaneously. Rotate your arms while holding this position.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left arm raising to the front and the right arm raising to the side.

Boot camp workout tip:
Pay attention to what your upper back is doing. Try to maintain the shoulders relaxed by squeezing the shoulders blades in and down as you do this.
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Prone Pull Ins on Ball
Start Position: Roll out on the ball so that your shins are on the ball and you are supported by your hands in a table top position.
Pull the ball using your feet towards your chest. While doing this bend your elbows in a pushup fashion.
Return to starting position.

Boot camp workout tip:
If your arms are dead you can just do the lower body part of this until you build more upper body endurance.
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Hip Bridge on Ball
1) Assume back lying position on floor. Place hands at sides with palms down on floor.
2) Start position: Place heels on top of Flexaball with knees slightly bent.
3) Raise hips off floor by pressing heels into ball.
4) Return to start position.
5) To increase difficulty, raise and extend arms above chest.

Boot camp workout tip:
Make sure you are touching the floor and going all the way up on every rep for full range of motion. Be sure to contract the abs, pelvic tilt, and squeezing the glutes at the top.
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Jump Rope (backwards)
Start with the jump rope in each hand.
Jump off the ground and start swinging the jump rope up over your head and then towards your feet. .
Continue jumping up and down as you bring the jump rope from behind under your feet.
Continue for the prescribed number of jumps or time.

Boot camp workout tip:
Jumping backwards is actually easier for some because it requires a slower pace. The goal is to jump as long as you can then when you lose your coordination take a 2 second break and start over until the 2 minutes are up.
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Reverse Triangle
1. Begin with the feet wide apart with the right toes facing forward and the left toes facing at a 45 degree angle.
2. Inhale, reach the arms to the side and exhale, reach the left hand down towards the left leg and reach the right arm up. Look up and tuck the tailbone under pulling the navel towards the spine and pull up the pelvic floor muscles.
3. Spread the toes and work all four corners of the feet down into the floor, lift the right kneecap, stay light on the left hand, keep reaching the right arm up towards the sky and open the shoulder and chest. Feel the body reaching in five different directions, the feet are rooting down, the right arm is lifting up, the left arm is softly down on the leg and lifting the crown away from the body.
4. Keep the body in one straight line, do not lean forward or back.

Boot camp workout tip:
Extend from the rib cage and use tighten your glutes to support the low back.
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Revolving Triangle
1. Start in mountain pose Padasana. Step the left foot forward and the right foot back. Left toes are facing forward, right toes at a 45-degree angle, push evenly down through all four corners of the feet and spread the toes.
2. With a straight spine inhale reach the arms to the side. Stay here and get grounded. On the next inhale, lift the right arm up towards the sky and slowly reach forward through the hips placing the right hand down onto the right ankle and twist the left arm up towards the sky maintaining a straight spine.
3. Keep the legs straight and the right kneecap lifted. Slowly revolve the right the shoulder up towards the sky. Keep rooting the feet down towards the earth and lift the hips towards the sky. Pull the shoulders down away from the ears and gently tuck the chin in to lengthen the cervical vertebrae.
4. Remain in this posture for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Boot camp workout tip:
Push back from the hips and work on driving the right rib cage towards the left inner thigh by squeezing the shoulder blades together. This results in more effective rotation from the core and not the chest.
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