Kick-Ass Boot Camp Workouts

by Monica

60-something female client kick-ass boot camp workout with sandbells, ropes, trx, kettlebell, and bosu. This awesome boot camp fitness workout by fitness pro Michael Seril is fun, effective, and can be done by anybody with the desire to get fit! Below are a few ways that I would use this type of bootcamp workout at home or with clients:

Kick-Ass Bootcamp Workout Instructions: Warmup with mobility exercises for 5 minutes. Perform each exercise listed below for 45 seconds going from one exercise to the next with about 5-15 seconds to transition between exercises. Continue repeating the circuit for 30 minutes. Add in 5 minutes of your favorite core exercises then cool down with 10 minutes of mobility and stretches for the entire body. That's a 50 minute full body workout that's great for weight loss, fatloss, endurance, and strength.

Traveling squats w/sandbell press
Rolling ropes
TRX bodyweight rows
Bosu lateral step ups w/sandbell chop
Lebert bars modified pushups
Kettlebell swings
Suicide runs

Modifications: Make this more challenging by going 50 seconds on each exercise and taking no rest between exercises (continous work circuit). Make it easier by doing 30 seconds of each exercise and eliminating all chopping motions, bosu, and/or traveling portion of squat if you (or your clients) do not have the core stability for all that. Also the one thing I would change about this workout is I would set up the lebert bars higher so a person with less upper body strength can just do incline pushups from a standing position.

2 More Workout Options: Another cool way to do this workout is to break it up into two types of circuits, strength/endurance circuits or fatloss/sculpting circuits. The first option would be better for beginner to intermediates who need to lose weight and boost metabolism and the second would be ideal for the more advanced looking to burn extra fat and zone in on trouble zones (legs, butt, arms).

Strength/Endurance Circuits: Same instructions as above but work on circuit one for 15 min. then circuit two for 15 min.

Bosu lateral step ups w/sandbell chop
TRX bodyweight rows
Traveling squats w/andbell press
Rolling ropes

Lebert bars modified pushups
Kettlebell swings
Suicide runs

Fatloss/Sculpting Circuits: Same as above but work on circuit one for 20 min. and circuit two for 10 min.

Bosu lateral step ups w/sandbell chop
Traveling squats w/sandbell press
Kettlebell swings
Suicide runs

Lebert bars modified pushups
TRX bodyweight rows
Rolling ropes

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by: Anonymous

awesome workouts and ideas for training clients

thank you
by: Monica

Thanks, back when I was super busy training like 6 clients a day and running 2 fitness camps and getting this site going I had no time to program so I would either Buy Boot Camp Workouts or borrow them and modify them for my own clients. Easy and saves time and now a great trick I teach visitors here at FWG.

Options for Rolling Ropes?
by: StaceyD

This looks awesome, and I would love to take it into my bootcamp class... but are there any options for the rolling ropes? That looks like it would be killer for the arms. I've not seen anything like it!

rolling ropes options
by: Monica

Hey Stacey

Great question. Not all trainers or gyms have huge budgets to buy every cool piece of fitness gear out there so finding other options to do similar exercises is always a good thing.

A good substitute for this is Rolling Ropes. I tried it and it's an amazing workout for the arms and core. The cool thing about rolling ropes is you can use any jump rope. Feels very weird at first but once you get rolling it's pretty awesome. Your shoulders arms and core will be on fire! Check out the rolling ropes post to learn more or watch my primal workout below to see how I incorporated rolling ropes into a full body workout.

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