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Thor's Hammer Fatloss Workout or Mobility Workout

by Monica

We actually hiked to Thor's Hammer a while back.  It was 13 miles and the elevation gain was vicious but it was worth it.

We actually hiked to Thor's Hammer a while back. It was 13 miles and the elevation gain was vicious but it was worth it.

We actually hiked to Thor's Hammer a while back.  It was 13 miles and the elevation gain was vicious but it was worth it. Kissing rocks Duck on a rock

Need to kick your fatloss workouts into high gear for an adventure vacation or swimsuit season? Maybe you're just feeling tight and stiff from your intense fatloss workouts and you need some serious relief!

Below are two amazing Thor's Hammer Workouts that can help you with both fatloss and recovery. The first one is a high intensity fatloss circuit and the second one is a mobility and flexibility flow.

KB Juggle
Hammer of Thor (not for beginners or even some intermediates)
Farmers Walk
Single leg jump rope

My recommendation for Thor's fatloss workout is to try 8-10 reps of each exercise as a circuit then take a break for 1-2 minutes and repeat again 2-3 more times. I have not tried this so if you do decide to try it let us know how it works for you by posting below.

The Thor's Hammer Workout is great for thoracic mobility as well as hip flexor, ab, back, and hamstring flexibility. If you practice each part separately you will find that you can eventually do the entire sequence easily. The first sequence is:
Child's pose
Upward dog
Puppy pose
Upward dog again
Child's pose
Repeat until you're back where you started

Do not attempt the second sequence unless you are an advanced yogi! The second sequence is:
Child's pose twist
Side crow both sides
Child's pose twist
Side crow both sides
Standing forward bend
Mountain pose

The last sequence if you've made it this far is:
Mountain pose
Standing forward bend
Chair pose
Twisting pigeon
Seated gate pose
Reverse the whole sequence until you're back to standing. This sequence is actually very fun and great for low body flexiblity.

I have only tried parts of this sequence but may attempt the entire thing this weekend. Please post any questions or comments below.

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Thor's Hammer Fatloss Workout or Mobility Workout

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Thor Workout
by: Monica

In this video Chris Hemsworth talks about how difficult it was to put on muscle mass because that is not his natural body type. He explains that eating tons of protein was the most difficult part and that it took 6 months of daily hardcore workouts to get this big.

As you can see in the video he looked amazing before Thor (lean and fit vs. big and bulky) and it's likely that his body will revert to that.

In his interview with Letterman he talked about how he was big into hiking, surfing, and other outdoor activities that kept him lean and fit all his life.

According to Hemsworth women prefer lean and fit more than big and muscular anyway so de-bulking is not an issue for him.

BTW, my son and I watched the movie this weekend and it was awesome. Hemsworth did look great shirtless but it was his acting that really made the movie so fun to watch.

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