Best Warmup Exercises for Better Workouts That Burn More Fat

The best warmup exercises take just 5-7 minutes and are a very important part of the fatloss process. They help prepare your body for challenging movement patterns and boost your body's ability to burn fat.

Start with 45 seconds of each of the upper body mobility exercises making sure to work both directions on some exercises. Continue with 45 sec. of each of the lower body mobility exercises making sure to rotate in both directions on some exercises.

Move gently through a range of motion that feels comfortable. If you have shoulder or neck problems or hip issues you can still move those areas, just be more careful and avoid any sharp pain.

This warmup routine was inspired by some of my favorite fitness experts including Mark Verstegen author of Core Performance, Scott Sonnon creator of IntuFlow & Tacfit, as well as Pete Egoscue creator of The Egoscue Method. According to these top experts who train some of the best athletes in the world, movement prep is key to better performance and injury prevention.

Ear Tuck
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Tilt your head to the side until full range of motion is reached. Think of touching your ear to your shoulder.
3. Keep your head straight and facing forward.
4. Alternate with the other side and return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Move gently to create length and increase joint lubrication.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Chin Tucks
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Tuck your chin down to your chest keeping your back flat until full range of motion is reached.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Increase your range of motion and move a little faster as you start to warmup.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Neck Rotation
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Keeping your chin level rotate your neck to the side until full range of motion is met.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat to the othe side. Repeat for the desired repetitions.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
It's o.k. to feel a bit of discomfort but avoid pain and don't force anything.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Shoulder Roll
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Lift your shoulders up and roll them backwards and then down and forward.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Rotate shoulders in both directions.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Horizontal Arm Swing
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Holding your arms out to the side and straight bring them forward and cross over each other in one fluid motion.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Breathe in as you expand the arms and chest and out as you bring them in.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Vertical Arm Swing
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Keeping your arms straight bring them behind your body and then up and over your head in a circular motion.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions.
4. You can also reverse direction and complete the movement swinging your arms in the opposite direction.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Rotate in both directions and increase range of motion gradually
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Forward Backward Leg Swing
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. You can stand on a small step or on the ground.
2. Keeping your upper body perpendicular to the ground swing one leg forward and backward.
3. Do not swing your leg so hard that you can not keep your upper body from moving.
4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and repeat with the other side.

Warmup Exercises Tip: Don't arch the back as you swing the leg back and bend the front knee if you need to as the leg comes forward.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Lateral Leg Swings
1. Start by holding onto a secure object and raise your outside leg out to the side.
2. In a smooth and continuous motion swing your leg back and forth across the front of your body.
3. Swing through your full range of motion but keep your upper body stable throughout the movement.
4. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and then flip sides and repeat with the other leg.

Warmup Exercises Tip: Focus on a sweeping motion across the front of the body and increase range of motion gradually as the hips warmup.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
Hip Rotation
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and standing tall.
2. Place your hands on your hips and rotate your hips in a circular motion.
3. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then switch and rotate your hips in the opposite direction.

Warmup Exercises Tip:
Keep the knees slightly bent and push the hips side back side and front a few reps then reverse the direction.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time
1. Step to the left with your left leg and immediately bring your right leg over and in front of the left leg and place it onto the other side of your left leg.
3. Proceed to bring your left leg up and over so that you are standing parallel again.
4. Continuously pick your right leg up and bring it behind your left leg onto the other side.
5. Continue to repeat this alternating pattern for the desired distance.
6. Repeat as recommended.

Warmup Tip:
This is similar to a grape vine so feel free to start with that then pick up speed and move into the carioca gradually.
Sets Reps Weight/
Tempo Time

Learn how stress and poor posture prevent fatloss and 3 simple fatloss workout tips you can use to reverse the damage and start losing the fat faster.